Monday, April 2, 2012


Tonight at Tough Mudder training, I did:
  • 80 sliding push ups
  • 200 squats with a barbell on my shoulders
  • 60 burpees with knee jumps in between
  • 30 sit ups
  • 50 Russian twists
  • Army crawls across the studio 8 times
  • Lunges with a barbell across the studio 8 times
  • Crab crawls across the studio 4 times
  • Bear crawls across the studio 4 times some more stuff that I can't remember. And, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning.

This is absolutely crazy to me, especially since before the past 3 months, I literally haven't exercized at all (except for walking) in the past 17 years. It just goes to show you can achieve almost anything if you want it badly enough and work hard enough.